Humanities + Design Tools

Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA)
Stanford University

Palladio (beta)

A visualization platform currently under development (funded by NEH) with an emphasis on data refining and linking combines a map view, node-Link graph view, and multiple filters. Visit to learn more about the project.


A multi-dimensional facet-filter tool based on Elastic Lists, combined with a timeline and gallery display of results.

Demo: Voltaire’s Social Network
Data by Electronic Enlightenment Project and Dan Edelstein (French and Italian)


A network exploration tool that brings into play both explicit connections (through correspondence, for example) and possible networks based on collocation and affiliation.

Demo: 17th and 18th Century Correspondence Networks
Data by Electronic Enlightenment Project


A combination of map, histogram, and flow (alluvial diagram) view highlights the relations between different dimensions of data.

Demo: Voltaire’s Correspondence
Data by Electronic Enlightenment Project and Dan Edelstein (French and Italian)


A tool for generating layered maps based on complex queries.

Demo: Benjamin Franklin’s Correspondence
Data by Packard Humanities Institute and Caroline Winterer (History)


Inspired by the visual model of Sankey diagrams, Fineo allows users to explore how data is distributed between different dimensions. Created by DensityDesign Research Lab, Politecnico di Milano.

Demo: Athanasius Kircher’s Correspondence Network
Data by Stanford University Library and Paula Findlen (History)

Priestley Timechart

Inspired by Joseph Priestley’s A Chart of Biography (1763) this chart displays the length of stay of visitors by city on a brushable timeline allowing scholars to see who was in the same city at the same time.

Demo: British and Irish Travelers on the Grand Tour in Italy 1701-1800
Data by Paul Mellon Centre and Giovanna Ceserani (Classics)